Trevor Carbin

Wiltshire Councillor for Atworth, Holt and Staverton. Learn more

Atworth Solar Farm

by trevorcarbin on 11 June, 2021

Atworth residents will be getting a mailshot over the weekend from Enso Energy, about their proposal for a solar farm on 33 Hectares of land around Studley Farm. They’ll be holding an exhibition in the Village Hall on June 24th.They’re asking for comments on the scheme. When it becomes a planning application there will also be a formal consultation as part of the planning process.

If you have any thoughts on the proposal you can post your comments here, or email me at


2 Responses

  1. Rob says:

    There already is a large solar farm at Norrington. This additional 33 hectares will convert a large area of once open land into a mega – solar farm. In fact in Enso’s own brochure the inside photo shows how much of our immediate countryside has disappeared under PV panels.
    Has Norrington solar farm honoured its promises to the community, or just it’s hedge fund owners?
    Renewables are a way forward – but so much of it here?

  2. Alec says:

    The information provided to the public is limited and contains errors: –
    Public footpaths owned by Wilts CC are shown on the wrong side of existing hedgerows – giving the impression they are not being moved. There appears to be an omission of at least one existing footpath, this should be checked.

    The use of up to 42 shipping containers was not included in the development details released. At the public consultation event on 24.6.21 it was only through questions that it was established that shipping containers would be used.

    There was confusion between the Enso representatives as to the number of shipping containers that would be required – ranging from 12, 24 to 42. They finally agreed the site proposal is for 42.

    This proposal is being positioned as a temporary development, but no information has been provided as to the use of concrete regarding the positioning of the panels, shipping containers or security fences / CCTV poles.

    No information has been provided regarding the plans to deal with fields of higher elevation that are clearly viewed by the local inhabitants.

    No information available regarding the noise generated by the air conditioning units on each of the 42 shipping containers.

    Site Location – The addition of another 2 ring fenced developments covering 81.5 acres will have a dramatic impact on the natural scenic qualities of the 2.5 miles between Atworth and Melksham as there are already solar farms at Poundspond Farm and Norrington Common. This will result in the fields from Atworth to Melksham being predominantly covered by solar panels and would change the landscape character.

    Visual Impact – Atworth contains several Grade 1 & 2 Listed Buildings including St Michael and All Angels church that includes a 1451 tower. A number of these properties will have uninterrupted views of the solar farm especially in the fields of higher elevation.

    The proposal of screening the installation of 3-metre security fences (and the panels behind) with very young plants is clearly not satisfactory in protecting the characteristics of the countryside. Enso representatives advised that the new plants would take 10 years to grow to sufficient height.

    There are elevated fields where even the use of established trees / hedges or the building of a bund would not screen the panels from parts of the village. There is a clear need to protect the rolling hill topography of our countryside.

    The highest field within the proposal is currently being cultivated and will result in a loss of potential most versatile agricultural land for 40 years. It is this field that is clearly visible from the church and other listed properties in the village.

    Noise Pollution – it was only at the public consultation event that the use of 42 shipping containers with individual air con units was mentioned and it then became evident that no consideration of noise had been taken. Their representative said” Once we know what has been passed, we can consider the noise impact”. This is not a confident approach from a village point of view.

    Construction Traffic – there are serious concerns to be considered regarding the construction traffic coming into the village and accessing the proposed site entrance. The traffic will also pass extremely closely to the entrance of the Atworth Youth Centre.

    Conclusion – the proposed development does not consider the impact on the visual character, appearance, ecology and heritage on the local countryside.

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