Trevor Carbin

Wiltshire Councillor for Atworth, Holt and Staverton. Learn more

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Today’s story – Get Social Care Done

by trevorcarbin on 6 January, 2025

Politicians and professionals often talk about the need to ‘integrate’ health and social care.  What they mean in practice is closer working of the two sectors, with health still being done by the NHS and social care by councils.  Real integration would of course mean either the NHS taking over social care, or councils taking over the health service.  The latter wouldn’t be such a daft idea – the main problem with the NHS is the N.

Now the government is launching another commission on social care.  Since 1997 there have been no fewer than three government commissions, three independent commissions, five white papers and 14 parliamentary committee inquiries into social care.  Very little has come out of any of them.

If there has to be another one, then it should be cross party, report in a timely manner and have its findings implemented.

As Ed Davey said: “This social care review must be cross-party if it is to credibly stand the test of time, so it’s disappointing that the government has failed even to consult on its remit. The measures to fix the immediate social care crisis left by the Conservatives lack the ambition needed to tackle the chronic shortage of trained care workers.

“Liberal Democrats stand ready and eager to bring our ideas to this commission – but we can’t afford to wait three more years for a new plan. 

“We’re really worried that what’s been announced looks like an excuse to kick the can down the road for another decade. That would be unforgivable for both the care of our elderly and disabled and our NHS.

“I’d like to see this review done and dusted within a year at the most. Then we can finally move on with implementing much-needed reforms after too many years of inaction.”

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