Trevor Carbin

Wiltshire Councillor for Atworth, Holt and Staverton. Learn more

South Wraxall planning applications and decisions

by trevorcarbin on 7 October, 2024

To look at an application on the WC website, copy the reference number, go to WC planning website  then paste the reference number into the ‘Keyword Search’ box.


PL/2024/08568: South Wraxall Manor: Replacement of modern gates with historic gates: 28 October 2024

PL/2024/08794: Barn associated with 62 Upper South Wraxall: Erection of a Replacement Storage Barn (Retrospective): 28 October 2024

PL/2024/07752: New Manor Farm, Upper South Wraxall: Conversion of existing building to create 2No new dwellings (Class C3) (Class Q Submission): Prior Approval Required & Granted.

PL/2024/06094: Hayward Pool: Change of use of existing building from storage to use as overnight
accommodation ancillary to the commercial recreational fishing use (retrospective): Approved with Conditions

PL/2024/04834: Plots 6-8, Land North of Rushmead Lane: Proposed field access off Rushmead Lane, new hardstanding, removal of hedges and replanting behind fence line:  comments by: 21 October 2024

PL/2024/06918:  Works to Trees in a Conservation Area: ST JAMES CHURCH:  permitted.

PL/2024/07459: Ford Farm: Demolition of concrete portal frame Atcost barn and erection of new
agricultural building: permitted.
PL/2024/07461 and PL/2024/07651: Ford Farm: Conversion and extension of former piggery to create a flexible event space ancillary to the established holiday-let business:  permitted.

PL/2024/03223: Arvensis Perennials, 19A, Lower South Wraxall: Improvement and diversification of agricultural plant nursery including the removal of multiple existing structures and the construction of two new buildings. Buildings to contain essential storage, packing, and an agricultural
workers dwelling. (Amendment to PL/2023/02391): Arvensis Perennials:  permitted.

PL/2024/03133: Wildcross (Garage Premises): Demolition of existing commercial garage premises and erection of dwelling (resubmission of PL/2023/07242): refused.

PL/2024/02546:  Ford Farm, Bradford Leigh:  Amendments to the previous approved change of use and alterations:  permitted.

PL/2024/02030:  Ford Farm, Bradford Leigh: Variation of condition 8 (approved plans) on 19/10554/FUL to improve fire safety by providing an additional emergency egress window in lieu of rooflights on first floor:  permitted.

PL/2023/04770: Ford Farm Cottage, 85, Bradford Leigh: Removal of existing garage, single storey link & rear lean-to extension to facilitate a replacement single storey side extension & carport together with
two storey rear extension & internal layout alteration:  comments by 17 July 2023.

PL/2023/01262: 33C, Lower South Wraxall: Proposed side and rear extensions, and cladding of main house: comments by 20 March 2023

PL/2023/00733 and PL/2022/09657: – Works to a Listed Building: South Wraxall Lodge, : Internal and external alterations to main house and ancillary buildings, minor landscape alterations and installation of ground source heat pump: permitted.

PL/2022/05572 – 102 Bradford Leigh: Works to a Listed Building: comments by 26/9/22.

PL/2022/09267 – 34 The Gables Lower South Wraxall:  Works to Trees in a Conservation Area:  permitted.

PL/2022/09147:  Meadow View Farm, Bradford Leigh:  agricultural worker’s dwelling and associated works:  Comments to be received by 26 December 2022

PL/2022/08232 – Works to Trees in a Conservation Area: Upper Farm, Lower South Wraxall:  permitted.

PL/2022/07913 – 35 Lower South Wraxall:  Works to Trees in a Conservation Area: permitted.

PL/2022/07914 – 36 Lower South Wraxall:  Works to Trees in a Conservation Area: permitted.

PL/2022/07644:  Barn @ Court Farm , Upper South Wraxall:  Works to Trees in a Conservation Area: permitted,

PL/2022/07389: Meadow View Farm, Bradford Leigh: agricultural workers dwelling and associated works:  refused.

PL/2022/06719:  Ellbridge, Lower South Wraxall:  Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) on 18/03452/FUL to allow for modifications for construction purposes, thermal values, opening positions
with inclusion of new roof lantern and internal changes:  permitted.

PL/2022/05897: Willow Cottage, 63A Upper South Wraxall: Remove the existing uninsulated single-storey side extension and provide a more suitable replacement. Additionally, the existing boundary wall will be
extended to further enclose the private garden – with the pedestrian entrance gate relocated and the existing external oil tank and boiler replaced with an air source heat pump:  respond by 12 September 2022

PL/2022/05572:  102 Bradford Leigh:  Works to a Listed Building:  permitted.

PL/2022/03388 and PL/2022/03251:  23 Lower South Wraxall:  works to listed building:  comments by 24/5/22.

PL/2022/00312 – Hill Corner Farm, BA15 2RW:  Certificate of Lawfulness for an existing storage use (Class B8):  permitted.

PL/2022/02479 – Works to Trees in a Conservation Area: BROOK HOUSE, 27A, LOWER SOUTH WRAXALL: permitted.

PL/2022/02168 and PL/2022/02169:  SOUTH WRAXALL LODGE:  works to trees:  permitted.

PL/2022/00310 -Hill Corner Farm, Bradford Leigh:  Lawful Development Certificate for an Existing Use as dwelling:  permitted.

PL/2022/00266 – Upper South Wraxall, BA15 2SE: Replacement of existing single storey conservatory with single storey rear extension: permitted.

PL/2021/11407: POTTICKS HOUSE, FRANKLEIGH: Replacement of the Existing Shed with Pool House in the Pool Area: permitted.

PL/2021/11357: Meadow View Farm, Bradford Leigh: agricultural workers dwelling and associated works:  refused.

PL/2021/10347 – Works to Trees in a Conservation Area: The Yews 51 Upper South Wraxall:  permitted.

PL/2021/08477: ELLBRIDGE FARM, CHALFIELD ROAD, LOWER SOUTH WRAXALL: Notification for Prior Approval under Class Q for a Proposed Change of Use of Agricultural Building to a Dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) and for Associated Building Operations: Refused.

PL/2021/09504 and PL/2021/09806: South Wraxall Lodge: Two new gates in existing openings:  permitted

PL/2021/08456:  34, Lower South Wraxall:  works to trees:  permitted.

PL/2021/08001: Parcel 4880, Lower South Wraxall:  change of use of land for the establishment of a secure, fenced dog walking paddock with gates and will include the erection of a timber shelter and small area of hardstanding for car parking:  permitted.

PL/2021/07745:  Meadow View Farm Bradford Leigh:  Erect an agricultural workers dwelling:  withdrawn.

PL/2021/06240:  Southview Nurseries, 83A Norbin: Erection of an agricultural building:  permitted.

PL/2021/05655: Mount Pleasant Farm, Upper South Wraxall: Variation of Condition 2 of 21/01055/FUL (External (and internal) works to main house consisting of re-roofing, inserting roof lights and dormer windows, infilling porch and adapting hardstanding round porch):  permitted.

PL/2021/06172 –  Lower South Wraxall, BA15 2RT:  Works to Trees in a Conservation Area: 13-07-2021:  permitted.

PL/2021/04500 – Works to a Listed Building: Ford Farm, Bradford Leigh: New external boiler to courtyard: Respond By 09-07-2021

PL/2021/04785 – Full Planning Permission: Upper Farm, Lower South Wraxall: Demolition of existing stables and outbuildings, and single storey extension to annex to form independent (3 bed) dwelling house:  permitted.

PL/2021/03052:  120 FRANKLEIGH:  Fitting an 8kw air Source Heat Pump to the flat roof at the rear of the property to provide a cleaner more efficient heating and hot water system to the house:  close of consultation 9/6/21.

PL/2021/04519:  35H, Lower South Wraxall:  Replacement dwelling and associated landscaping:  close of consultation 9/6/21.

21/01525/FUL:  Church Farm:  Change of use of land to equestrian and erection of stables:  1/3/21 – permitted.

21/01055/FUL:  Mount Pleasant Farm:  External (and internal) works to main house consisting of re-roofing, inserting roof lights and dormer windows, infilling porch and adapting hardstanding around porch:  18/2/21 – permitted.

20/10970/PNCOU:  Ellbridge Farm:  An application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed Change of Use of Agricultural Building to One Dwellinghouse (Class C3), and for building operations reasonably necessary for the conversion:  refused.

20/10838/FUL:  62 B Upper South Wraxall:  single storey side extension:  6/1/21 – permitted.

20/11544/TCA:  Brook House 27A Lower South Wraxall:  Silver Birch – Remove:  23/12/20 – permitted.

20/10085/FUL:  27 Ivy Lane:  Single Storey Rear Extension and Porch:  3/12/20 – permitted.

20/08373/FUL:  Hobbs Bottom Farmhouse, Norbin:  Retrospective permission for the construction of a stable block with milk vending station including alterations to the existing access:  20/11/20 – refused.  Appeal against enforcement withdrawn.

20/07516/FUL:  Field at Oaktree Stables:  Remove topsoil and replace with fibre to create a 20m x 40m manege:  21/10/2020:  permitted.

20/08101/FUL:  New Manor Farm:  soil bund and 2 storage containers:  14/10/20 – permitted.

20/08128/TCA:  The Gables 34 Lower South Wraxall:  fell cedar:  6/10/20 – permitted.

20/07922/FUL:  68C South Wraxall:  works to enclose porch, create three dormer windows, and internal alterations:  29/9/20 – permitted.

20/07206/FUL:  Hobbs Bottom Farmhouse, Norbin:  barn for over-wintering cattle:8/9/20 – permitted.

20/04797/FUL:  Swallows Rest 83B Norbin:  extensions:  27/8/20:  permitted.

20/06200/PNCOU:  Ellbridge Farm:  change of use of agricultural building to dwelling:  29/7/20: refused.

20/04917/TCA:  Upper Farm, Lower South Wraxall:  fell leylandii:  6/7/20:  permitted.

20/04326/FUL:  19B Meadow View:  redevelopment of barn, stables and office to extend existing dwelling:  23/6/20 – permitted.

20/04797/FUL:  83 Norbin:  Extensions:  22/6/20

20/04382/FUL:  Spring Cottage, 28 Ivy Lane:  Change of use of detached garage to habitable space:  22/6/20 – permitted.

20/02627/FUL and 20/03095/LBC:  7 A Lower South Wraxall:  Single storey side and rear extensions following the demolition of twentieth century extension . The creation of a driveway and car port to serve both 7 and 7a Lower South Wraxall Removal of fuel tank and erection of solar panels on the proposed extension to convert the property to electric heating:  08/04/20 – permitted.

20/01592/FUL and 20/02328/LBC: Leigh Grange, Leigh Road: Conversion of existing barn to home office: 17/03/2020

20/01817/FUL:  Mayfield, 101 B Bradford Leigh:  Demolition of existing dwelling, conversion and extension of workshop/store to a dwelling and associated works:  19/3/20 – permitted.

20/01926/TCA: Church Barn Upper South Wraxall: Blue Cedar – Fell: 03/03/2020 – permitted.

20/00835/FUL:  Fairfield Piggeries:  Change of use from agricultural to mixed use:  24/2/20.  Appeal lodged.

20/00554/LBC: Outbuilding North West of Abbots Barn Lower Farm Lower South Wraxall: Alterations to facilitate change of use and conversion of outbuilding to form a dwelling: 30/01/2020 – permitted.

19/11577/FUL: 62 B Upper South Wraxall: Proposed works for phased development, only change to original planning application that was approved is the changing of pitched roof over entrance hallway to flat roof (Re-submission of 19/01296/FUL): 08/01/2020 – permitted.

19/11335/FUL: 112 Woolley Park Cottages: Conservatory extension to side elevation: 12/12/2019 – permitted.

19/10950/FUL: Outbuilding North West of Abbots Barn Lower South Wraxall: Change of Use and Conversion of Outbuilding to Form a Dwelling: 02/12/2019 – permitted.

19/10752/TCA:  8 Churchfields, Works to trees in a Conservation Area:  19/11/19 – permitted.

19/10554/FUL and 19/10829/LBC: Ford Farm Bradford Leigh: Conversion of two outbuildings into two holidays lets, conversion of office accommodation and associated internal and external works: 13/11/2019 – permitted.

19/10287/FUL: Chalford Cottage 56 Upper South Wraxall: Replacement of existing windows with aluminium double glazed windows: 04/11/2019

19/08754/TCA: 23 Lower South Wraxall: works to trees: 24/09/2019 – permitted.

19/09076/FUL: 93 Bradford Leigh: Demolition of a conservatory and the construction of a new rear extension with the alteration of a rear elevation window and rooflight: 27/09/2019 – permitted.

19/03786/LBC: Ford Farm Bradford Leigh: Addition of a new bathroom and new window, associated alterations to internal partitions and fittings: 30/04/2019 – permitted.

19/03835/HRN: Ashley Green, Bradford on Avon: Removal of 2 sections of 5m of hedgerow to allow for replacement of water supply pipe: 18/04/2019 – permitted.

19/02858/FUL: Norbin Cottages 82 Norbin: To site a double garage adjacent to the boundary of 82 Norbin Cottages which will require change of use of the land from agricultural to domestic: 27/03/2019 – refused.

19/02293/FUL: Cumberwell Park Golf Club: Proposed drainage improvement works to golf driving range, temporary access and associated works: 13/03/2019

19/01677/FUL: Land At Cats Hill Upper South Wraxall: Proposed barn: 26/02/2019 – permitted.

19/01296/FUL: 62 B Upper South Wraxall: Single storey extension to west of property; infill single storey extension between existing dwelling and garage.: 11/02/2019 – permitted.

19/01548/FUL and 19/01704/LBC: South Wraxall House: Alterations and widening of the existing vehicular entrance. Move and relocate a single stone pier and associated adjacent radiused walling. Form new pedestrian opening within adjacent rubble stone wall. Supply and fit new metal estate gates with matching metal pedestrian gate. New stone setts to bell mouth of new opening: 19/02/2019 – permitted.

18/11122/TCA: South Wraxall Lodge: works to trees: 22/11/2018 – permitted.

18/10009/FUL: Cleverlys 1 Lower South Wraxall: Demolition of existing garage and construction of a new garage & orangery with repairs to existing store: 12/11/2018

18/10263/VAR: Cumberwell Park: Variation of Condition 5 of planning permission 18/05945/FUL relating to the materials to be used for the creation of four golf hole: 14/11/2018 – permitted.

18/10005/TCA: 66, Upper South Wraxall: works to trees: 29/10/2018 – permitted.

18/09338/FUL: Mount Pleasant Farm: Conversion of existing barn into a 2 bedroom dwelling and associated works (Amendments to Approved / Implemented Historic Applications W 86 1178 / W 92 0079): 08/10/2018 – permitted.

18/08774/FUL: Willow Cottage 63A Upper South Wraxall: Re-location of existing timber shed, installation of oil tank and associated external boiler & installation of new timber shed and trellis screening: 25/09/2018 – permitted.

18/08517/TCA: South Wraxall Manor: Section Fell group of approximately 6 large Leylandii trees: 12/09/2018 – permitted.

18/08234/VAR:  20-21 Park Cottage, Lower South Wraxall:  Variation of condition 8 – (lighting) on 17/00738/FUL to state that zero lux within the immediate vicinity of the house is not required:  12/9/18 – permitted.

18/04627/FUL: Norbin Cottages 82 Norbin: Change of use of agricultural land to domestic to site a double garage and access drive: 22/08/2018

18/05945/FUL: Cumberwell Park BA15 2PQ: Creation of four golf hole routing to add to previously approved routing: 06/08/2018 – permitted.

18/07329/FUL: Church Farm: Conversion of existing outbuilding to provide new holiday let unit: 08/08/2018

18/06710/TCA: 62B Upper South Wraxall: works to trees: 17/07/2018 – permitted.

18/05761/FUL and 18/06309/LBC: South Wraxall House: Construction of new cantilevered stone canopy to south east elevation. Alterations to existing loose boxes within adjacent stable block: 04/07/2018 – permitted.

18/05334/PNCO: New Manor Farm, Upper South Wraxall; Notification for Prior Approval under Class Q – Proposed change of use of agricultural building into 4 dwellinghouses (use Class C3) and for associated operational development – refused.

18/05274/FUL : Land At Cats Hill Upper South Wraxall : Field barn to replace previously demolished barn : 20/06/2018

18/05683/TCA: Court Farm Upper South Wraxall: 2 Metre Reduction to Lower Brown of beech Tree and 1 Metre Crown Reduction to Cherry Tree: 13/06/2018 – permitted.

18/03944/FUL: Hobbs Bottom Farm Cottage Norbin: Stable block with milk vending station: 01/06/2018 – permitted.

18/03683/FUL: Land At Hobbs Bottom Farm Norbin: Barn for lambing and chickens: 09/05/2018

18/03770/FUL: Lodge North Of 19 Cherry Orchard Farm Lane Lower South Wraxall: Redevelopment of barn, stables and office to extend and alter existing dwelling: 01/05/2018 – permitted.

18/03983/TCA: The Walnuts 65 Upper South Wraxall: 30% Crown Reduction to 1 Walnut Tree: 25/04/2018 – permitted.

18/03452/FUL: Ellbridge Lower South Wraxall: Permanent rural workers dwelling ( new design in lieu of approved dwelling under decision no. 13/02253/FUL for permanent rural occupational worker, retention of treatment plant and use of existing access). (Re-submission of 16/08766/FUL): 19/04/2018 – permitted.

18/01958/PNCOU      Ellbridge Farm, Bradford Leigh:  Prior approval of proposed change of use of agricultural building to a dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) and for associated operation development.

17/11696/FUL: Norbin Barton Farm: Replace existing storm porch with oak framed glazed enclosed porch: 12/03/2018 – permitted.

18/02246/FUL: 2 The Orchard: Extension and alterations to existing detached dwellinghouse, including ground floor extension to the rear of the property, and installation of 1 new first floor dormer window at the rear: 13/03/2018 – permitted.

18/01875/FUL: South Wraxall House: Construction of new timber framed gardeners workshop/store with farm vehicle garaging for agricultural and garden use: 08/03/2018 – permitted.

18/01024/TCA: Court Cottage 59 Upper South Wraxall : Robinia tree – fell: 31/01/2018 – permitted.

18/00441/TCA: The Gables 34 Lower South Wraxall Leyland cypress hedge reduce in height by 2 metres; Golden Lawson Cypress fell to ground level: 18/01/2018 – permitted.

17/12445/TCA: The Old Forge 26 Ivy Lane Lower South Wraxall: works to trees: 03/01/2018 – permitted.

17/12154/TCA: The Walnuts 65 Upper South WraxallWorks to trees: 18/12/2017 – permitted.

17/11795/FUL: Willow Cottage 63 A Upper South Wraxall: Re-location of existing timber shed & installation of oil tank along and associated external boiler (amendment to 16/04811/FUL): 11/12/2017 – permitted.

17/11748/FUL: Land at Cats Hill Upper South Wraxall: Field barn: 08/12/2017

17/08630/FUL: 105 Bradford Leigh: Front and rear extension to an existing bungalow: 21/09/2017 – permitted.

17/07828/VAR: 62 A Upper South Wraxall: Variation of condition 2 on 16/07903/FUL to allow minor revisions to the proposed internal layout and alterations, addition of a flat roof glazed link to join house to garage: 15/09/2017 – permitted.

17/08566/TCA: 23 Lower South Wraxall: works to trees: 08/09/2017 – permitted.

17/07970/FUL: Hobbs Bottom Farm Norbin: New field barn: 31/08/2017 – permitted.

17/07539/FUL: Ellbridge Farm Chalfield Road Lower South Wraxall: Temporary retention of agricultural workers accommodation: 23/08/2017 – permitted.

16/10139/FUL: Fairfield Piggeries Leigh Road: Change of use of existing buildings from agriculture to mixed use, including retail, light industrial and storage/distribution, incorporating new access arrangement, parking and a cafe: 03/08/2017 – refused.

17/07003/CLE: The Lodge 19 Cherry Orchard Farm: Certificate of lawfulness for continued use of the Lodge as a self contained residential unit: 03/08/2017 – permitted.

17/06714/VAR: Land Rear of Turnpike Cottage Upper South Wraxall: Variation of condition 7 of planning permission 14/07989/FUL to allow limited commercial use of the manege: 26/07/2017 – permitted.

17/02890/FUL: 80 B Upper South Wraxall: Demolish existing single storey side extension and erect a two storey side extension and single storey rear extension (resubmission of 16/08778/FUL): 11/05/2017 – permitted.

17/01858/FUL: The Cottage 6 Lower South Wraxall: Demolition of existing single storey extension and outbuildings & erect new two storey & single storey extension, erection of replacement garage & formation of new access: 13/03/2017 – permitted.

16/09818/FUL: New Manor Farm Upper South Wraxall – New Stable Block and Yard: 09/03/2017 – permitted.

17/00902/FUL and 17/01357/LBC : 3-4 Lower South Wraxall: Installation of a high level flue on an existing external boiler – permitted.

17/00738/FUL: Park Cottage 20-21 Lower South Wraxall: The demolition of the existing buildings on the application site and construction of a replacement dwelling: 03/02/2017 – permitted.

16/12318/FUL: The Old Chapel Bradford Leigh: Extension to existing live work unit to accommodate growing family, and reposition and extend workshop: 24/01/2017 – permitted.

16/11021/TCA: 68A Upper South Wraxall: Sorbus Alanifolia tree – fell: 11/11/2016 – permitted.

16/10379/FUL and 16/10689/LBC: 31 Lower South Wraxall: Extension, alteration and refurbishment to The Old Beer House: 02/11/2016 – permitted.

16/10015/FUL: The Cottage 6 Lower South Wraxall: Demolition of existing single storey extension and erection of two storey and single storey extension: 21/10/2016 – withdrawn.

16/09223/FUL: Ford Farm Cottage 85 Bradford Leigh: Proposed single and two storey extensions and alterations to the existing house with associated ground works: 11/10/2016 – permitted.

16/09083/TCA: Willow Cottage 63 A Upper South Wraxall: Silver birch – Remove: 01/10/2016 – permitted.

16/09172/TCA: Orchard End 33A Lower South Wraxall: Up to 3.5 Metre Height Reduction to Conifer (T1) and Fell 1 Greengage: 04/10/2016 – permitted.

16/08766/FUL: Ellbridge Quail Farm and Livery Stables Lower South Wraxall: New Design for an eco house in lieu of Approved log cabin under decision no.13/02253/FUL for permanent rural occupational worker, retention of treatment plant and use of existing access: 23/09/2016 – refused.

16/08778/FUL: 80B Upper South Wraxall: Proposed Extension and Alterations: 23/09/2016 – withdrawn.

16/08132/TCA: 62A Upper South WraxallSilver Birch tree – fell: 06/09/2016 – permitted.

16/07932/FUL: Plough Inn Bradford Leigh: Change of use from public house to holiday let: 09/09/2016 – permitted.

16/07692/FUL: Cumberwell Farm: Partial retrospective application for the retention of a building with proposed further modifications to convert the building to a pair of semi detached holiday cottages: 23/08/2016 – permitted.

16/07903/FUL: 62a Upper South Wraxall: Demolish existing flat roofed double garage & build replacement pitched roof double garage: 24/08/2016 – permitted.

16/08018/FUL: Wild Cross House: Erection of timber framed double garage with home office above, and balcony: 26/08/2016 – permitted.

16/07061/FUL: 3-4 Lower South Wraxall: Installation of external oil boiler to rear of property: 11/08/2016- permitted.

16/05604/CLP: Ford Farm Cottage 85 Bradford Leigh: Certificate of Lawfulness proposal for the erection of a single storey side extension and two storey rear extension follow demolition of existing lean-to rear extension under the limits of permitted development: Approved: Decision Date: 22/07/2016.

16/06645/TCA: South Wraxall Manor – works to trees: 12/07/2016 – permitted.

16/04819/FUL and 16/05400/LBC: 31 Lower South Wraxall: Extension, alteration and refurbishment to The Old Beer House: 07/06/2016 – withdrawn to allow revised plans to be submitted.

16/04811/FUL: Willow Cottage 63a Upper South Wraxall: Demolition of single storey extension, double storey side extension with single storey glass link along with porch and associated alterations to main house: 08/06/2016 – permitted.

16/04687/FUL: Hayward Pool Bradford Leigh: Proposed Toilet block & cesspit installation: 09/06/2016 – permitted.

16/04784/LBC: The Cottage 6 Lower South Wraxall: Alterations to boundary wall: 03/06/2016 – permitted.

16/03783/FUL and 16/04225/LBC: South Wraxall House: Internal and external alterations to existing building, and construction of iron verandah – permitted.

16/02841/FUL – Wrocc Barn: Construction of open sided porch, installation of garage doors and safety glazing to first floor windows – permitted.

16/00624/FUL and 16/00795/LBC: Working Mens Club 37 Lower South Wraxall: 02/03/2016: Demolish existing external toilet structure and build new external toilet structure with amended layout and more suitable elevational treatment – permitted.

16/01422/FUL: The Cottage 6 Lower South Wraxall: 18/02/2016: Two ancillary and storage buildings – permitted.

16/01383/CLE: Park Cottage 20 Lower South Wraxall: 17/02/2016: Replacement dwelling – permitted.

16/00624/FUL and 16/00795/LBC: Working Mens Club 37 Lower South Wraxall: 27/01/2016: Demolish existing external toilet structure and build new external toilet structure with amended layout and more suitable elevational treatment

16/00453/FUL: Cumberwell Farm Great Cumberwell: 27/01/2016: Partial retrospective application for the retention of a building for agricultural purposes and proposed further modifications to increase the accessibility for agricultural plant and equipment together with the internal subdivision to enable the storage of harvested produce, agricultural plant and equipment and formation of ancillary workshop and store – permitted.

15/11014/PNCOU: Southview Nurseries Southview Cottage Norbin: Prior Notification for change of use of horticultural store and workshop to a dwelling – permitted.

15/10265/PNCOU: Barn At Kingston Farm Holt Road Bradford On Avonl: Prior Approval of proposed change of use of agricultural building to a dwellinghouse and associated operational development – permitted.

 15/11145/CLE: Hayward Pool Bradford Leigh: 11/12/2015: Certificate of Lawfulness for use of property as public fishery – permitted.

15/12007/TCA: Court Cottage 59 Upper South Wraxall – Mulberry – Fell to ground level – permitted.

15/10670/TCA: 57 Upper South Wraxall: 27/10/2015: Beech Tree – Dismantle – permitted.

15/10357/TCA and 15/10416/TCA – The Yews 51 Upper South Wraxall: 22/10/2015 – works to trees – permitted.

15/10098/FUL and 15/10330/LBC: April Cottage 64 Upper South Wraxall : 21/10/2015: Change garage doors from slated wood painted to aluminium slated powder coated – refused.

15/09938/FUL: Norbin Barton Farm Upper South Wraxall : 08/10/2015: Demolition of one barn, conversion of another barn to holiday accommodation and new tennis court – permitted.

15/08758/CLE – 62 B Upper South Wraxall – 08/09/2015 – Change of use from agricultural land to domestic garden – permitted.

15/08334/FUL – 33 B Lower South Wraxall – 27/08/2015 – Extension to provide a garage and bedroom with en-suite above. Replacement of hedge at frontage and part of side boundary with timber fence – permitted.

15/08144/FUL – Hayward Pool Bradford Leigh – 18/08/15 – Change of use so existing private fishing lake and lodge may be used by the general public (resubmission of 15/01399/FUL) – refused.

15/06848/FUL – 14/7/15 – The Store Barn Great Cumberwell Farm Bradford on Avon BA15 2QQ – Change of use to provide four holiday cottages.

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