Trevor Carbin

Wiltshire Councillor for Atworth, Holt and Staverton. Learn more

Community Area Transport Group …

by trevorcarbin on 26 June, 2018

… took place on June 25th.  Here are the decisions affecting our area:


South Wraxall village gates. The group agreed to fund the increased costs of these with the Parish Council contribution to remain at the original level.

Staverton 20mph roundels on the road at the entrances to the 20 limit. These were previously agreed. Lining works are likely to take place in the next couple of months.

Freight management. The B3105 route is due to be investigated, but officers were rather vague as to how this would be done. There is concern that the introduction of restrictions on HGVs and polluting vehicles in Bath could send more traffic through Staverton.

Monkton Farleigh. The question was asked as to why there’s a metrocount by the church. The answer seems to be that nobody knows.

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